




I've always promote the benefits of ACV in the forum. From cleaning the house to feeding your pets, ACV is a natural and non-chemical products that only benefits but won't harm the environment and yourself.

I use ACV is clean my dog after walk and  it works wonderfully in removing odors and dirts. I also use ACV to clean my tiles after feeding him raw meaty bones.

For dietary purpose, I added ACV in his meat to kill germs and sometimes I add ACV to honey water for reviving him from a long play day.

Try to go organic whenever possible, of course, for cleaning purpose, commercial products works the same way. I always have 2 bottles of ACV, organic one for Mr. potato and I, and the other one for foot dip and cleaning floors.

There are many articles stating the benefits of ACV in books and online. Lemme quote one of them:

The old saying, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away," seems to have some validity. In their vinegar form, apples contain a large amount of potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, sodium, magnesium, calium, sulfur, iron, fluorine, silicon, and many trace minerals. In long-term feeding studies in which apple cider vinegar (ACV) was added to the feed of cows, few incidences occured of mastitis, itchy skin, influenza, respiratory diseases, eclampsia and cramping after delivery, and easir freshening. Horses with ACV in the feed raced better and never came down with distemper, even when exposed. ACV is credited with killing bacteria outright, and at one time was used to prevent food poisoning.

ACV is used in the Natural Diet not only for its mineral content, but also the ability to kill bacteria in the meat, chicken or fish. It also preserves the meat meal when it is stored in the refrigerator.

Quoted from Holistic Guide for a Healthy Dog by Wendy Volhard and Kerry Brown, D.V.M.

For more articles about ACV, you can visit the following website:


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